Cosa fare se ho problemi a effettuare un ordine?
If you’re experiencing issues during the purchase process on Ticketoo, here’s what you can do:
Start by checking the FAQ section on the Ticketoo website. This section may contain answers to common questions and tips for troubleshooting issues.
If the FAQ doesn’t resolve your issue, you can contact Ticketoo support directly for assistance. Send a detailed email to, explaining the problem you’re encountering. The support team is available to help you resolve any difficulties you may face while purchasing tickets.
Start by checking the FAQ section on the Ticketoo website. This section may contain answers to common questions and tips for troubleshooting issues.
If the FAQ doesn’t resolve your issue, you can contact Ticketoo support directly for assistance. Send a detailed email to, explaining the problem you’re encountering. The support team is available to help you resolve any difficulties you may face while purchasing tickets.
Updated on: 12/02/2024
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